Sunday, July 28, 2013

School Holiday antics

I cringe when I hear parents complain about pending school holidays - I think they are the best thing since sliced bread!  Throw routine out the window, have at least one PJ day and one movie day, and just spend quality time with your kidlets.

I was well and truly ready for these holidays.  Having resigned from my job, but being called back each week since they could not have come at a better time.  But as last term was ridiculously busy, (my car left the garage at least once every day of the week for the first 8 weeks), the winter bugs hit - and hard.

Crazy 1 started up with this horrendous cough that went on and on day AND night, then I (Mummasaurus) got a nasty sore throat (still have it 10+ days later), then Crazy 2 started up with the chesty nasty cough.

Most of the time I would be insanely annoyed with the timing, but it couldn't have come at a better time.  We were forced to stay home, and most play date invites had to be turned down so we were able to choose what to do at the beginning of each day.

Week one consisted of PJ/Movie day, rotation of the toys (we keep most of the boys toys in a large plastic bin which comes out each school holidays and they get to choose new toys), scootering at the new skate park on Marine Parade, hot chips at the wharf and Sticky TV.

Outside and carefree (and loud!)

Captain cautious

AMAZINGLY they stuck to the road rules

Hot chips at the wharf - Its impossible to get both
kids to take a good photo!

Who knew an A4 envelope makes a great hat

Week two and Dad was on holiday - WAHOOOOOOOOO.  We decided to take a winter break to Taupo (Hatepe) which of course involved a trip to the snow, the Army Museum, hot pools, train rides and Mind Junction

There were squeels of delight at this sight

Who needs to pay $20 for a sled for a day when you can get
5 black plastic bags for $1.95 and they are just as good

The facials say it all.

They were pretty taken back with the Army gear.
Mind you they also only wanted to go down the stairs, up the
elevator and across the ramp! :)

Army boys in training

I think they quite enjoyed the Taupo train

Every boys dream room
Not sure about tomorrow - first day of term 3 and all.  Don't know whether I am glad, excited, or upset.  Hmmmmm guess I will leave that call until 4.00pm tomorrow :)

Worldwide Treasure Hunt

Can't keep this one to myself.  Have you heard of GeoCaching??  It is an online worldwide treasure hunt whereby you register on the site and search for cache (treasure) spots near your location (using GPS co-ordinates).  It means that when you are on holiday and need to kill time for a bit, you log in and search for your current location, and then get a list of nearby cache spots.  Then the hunt is on.

We have done a few with our kidlets.  Its a great way to get them to do exercise without them knowing.  :)

Beautiful winter afternoon hunting

Success!  :)
The containers range in size (the website gives you an indication of what size you are looking for), and inside there is 'treasure' (usually toys, coaster, marble - nothing of value!), and a notebook to record your name.  The idea is if you take something you need to leave something of similar value, and record your name in the notebook - it is interesting to see who has been there before you.

Highly recommend you give it a go.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The beginning of our Rugby days

We have been blessed with kids for the past 6 years, and at no other point in those 6 years have either of them been up, dressed and beds made at 6.30am - especially on a Saturday morning.  But when you have your first rippa rugby game things change.

On the first game day the day started well with a beautiful sunrise

Who knew sunrises were so beautiful! :)
No time for the big kiwi breakfast I had always imagined making on Saturday sports days.  We were due at Eskview at 8.30am which means leaving our place by 8.00am - see ya later sleep ins! :)

Crazy 1 was excited (bag packed and ready the night before) but turned down the big brekkie, opting for peanut butter on toast and Milo.  It wasn't till we were in the car and half way there that we realised he was nervous and had butterflys in his tummy.  He piped up and claimed he needed to do #2's.  Grumpy Mum got grumpy and said he had only just been at home.  To which he said I have a funny feeling in my tummy.  CUUUTTTEEEE!

He did really well taking the opening kick off, then when all the other kids just stood there and looked at it, he grabbed the ball again and ran the length of the field to score his first, and opening try.

Since that first game he has had 7-8 games and they have all been similar.  He doesn't yet comprehend whether his teams wins or loses.  In his eyes it only matters if he scores trys or not.  Thankfully he is one of the eldest (the youngest is 4), and understands the rules and concept behind rippa so try scoring happens each week.  Will be interesting to see how he reacts if he doesn't score!

Now that the winter months are upon us the novelty of rugby and Saturday sport has worn off for me.  Last week I'm positive I had near frostbite in my toes!

Wonder if we have an All Black in the making???
Attempt at a staunch rugby pose

Clive Bakugans

Player of the day - 1st game

Monday, January 28, 2013

Holiday Antics

Our holidays post Christmas in photo form!  :)

New Years Day at Rocky Shore - It was

Marine Parade


Lots of time at the beach

The more splashing the better

Walk around Mt Maunganui

Making homemade Lemon Cordial - YUM

Trying to keep a capsicum plant alive and growing -
Have to win the competition at work

Its how we roll

Homemade doughnuts - YUMO

Monday, December 24, 2012

Advent Calendar - Week 3

Christmas Eve!  Where oh where did the last three weeks go??

This week was rather full on seeing as I had both boys home on holiday for most of it.

8 more sleeps - Wrap presents. 

Boy oh boy first and last time that will be included as an activity!!  I have somehow managed not to rewrap any of them.

7 more sleeps - Gingerbread house that turned out being houses!

The dough just kept coming!

Chief decorators

Crazy 2's finished house

Crazy 1's masterpiece

6 more sleeps - paint stone people

This was GREAT.  We were at the beach by 9.00am running in the waves and collecting stones.  There was some serious concentrating going on.

Crazy 2's stone man, including hair on top.

Crazy 1's angry Ben10 - just turn your head upside down!!
Green mouth, orange eyes and blue eye brows! :)

5 more sleeps - Hmmmmm this was supposed to be choose a new plant for the garden and keep it alive!  But seeing as I am in a capsicum growing competition at work I thought perhaps just focus on one plant!  So this ended up being go to Pop's work to get his ute and tidy up our backyard.  The boys thought it was SO COOL driving Pop's ute.

4 more sleeps - Christmas lights. 

3 more sleeps - Gifts for neighbours

Seeing as this was pretty simple and it was a stinking hot day, it ended up involving this as well.......

Slip'n'Slide has improved somewhat since
I was a kid!

2 more sleeps - picnic lunch at the park and feeding the ducks

1 more sleep - treasure hunt

Armed with maps and ready.  We were heading for the jungle with guns, ammo, a mud hole, mountains and swamp creek

The anticipation was killing this one!

Jungle boots and ammo to fend of the lions and tigers and bears.

Keeping their eyes peeled for lions and birds.

Our look out

Climbing the mountain

Balancing over the mud swamp

That has been our December so far!  We are super excited to celebrate Christs birth tomorrow with our families.

Have a wonderful Christmas and we wish you many blessings for the New Year.

Love The Wards xox

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Advent Calendar - Week 2

What a week!  Last day of school - only home 2 out of the 5 weeknights.  We are stuffed!!!!!

In terms of what did we do for the advent calendar this week??? 

This was the original plan (in order):

Teacher gifts
Dance party
Bake and decorate cookies
Feed the ducks at Cornwall park
Sleepover at Nan and Pops
Fish & Chips at the beach

This is how the week unfolded for the boys

15 more sleeps - Play date with neighbours kids and Mum did the teacher gifts

14 more sleeps - Mum had the dance party on her own, the boys just wanted to ride their bikes

13 more sleeps - Lollies (and last day of school)

12 more sleeps - Splash pad at Cornwall park and Mum baked the cookies by herself!

I am positive there are six packs in there
somewhere!  Fine physique those two have!

11 more sleeps - Dinner at friends house

10 more sleeps - sleepover at Nan and Pops (as IF this one was going to be changed!)

9 more sleeps - RELAX and TV afternoon (super tired family)

Looking forward to this weeks tasks.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Advent Calendar Week

So the first week of December has been and gone - WOW.  On the 1st of December I changed our calendar over and saw we only had 1 thing booked (and it was on the 2nd!)  STOKED!  A week later and I think we have 1 or 2 nights free! :)  Not complaining though - its just that type of season.

This is what we have been up to this week

24 more sleeps - Christmas tree time

23 more sleeps - Christmas bubble bath

I was hoping that the bubbles would be slightly
green, but NOPE

Someone thought it would be good to clean
out his nostrils

And yet after Mum explaining no not a good idea
just had to try it out anyway
 22 more sleeps - colour in the nativity scene

So much concentration - so much PEACE
 21 more sleeps - LOLLIES, Riley had an all day field trip to the fire station and then the Haumoana Zoo so thought this was an easy way out of having to do something to strenuous

20 more sleeps - picnic dinner.  This was obviously supposed to be outside but it started to rain just as we were about to start.  So picnic blanket on the floor in the lounge, with paninis, chips, and Fanta (the boys favourite), followed by chocolate dipped strawberries.

19 more sleeps - special treat.  We went to The Warehouse and the boys were allowed to choose a special treat - NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN!  45 mins later I was about to throw a tantrum!

18 more sleeps - movie night with popcorn

17 more sleeps - Aunty Lee Lee and Uncle Phils wedding (the best event yet for them).  They danced the night away till 10pm!

16 more sleeps - McD's for lunch in the new Havelock shop

Will post more next week :)